We've had 2 Christmas dinners with our friends (an english/swedish couple) in Sweden. In Scandinavia, as in much of Europe, Christmas is celebrated on Christmas Eve - December 24th. So we had a lovely traditional Swedish Christmas on the 24th. We seemed to be eating all day! We had traditional Christmas fare, boiled sausages with herbs, herrings (a couple of different ways), baked ham, vegetables and we finished up with a special creamed rice with blackcurrants. We continued on with afternoon tea of several different cakes and biscuits. Gift giving was in the evening.

The next morning was Christmas Day and we got up early to attend a special church carol service at a small historic Lutheran Church nearby. Back home and we were eating again. This time with a traditional English Christmas Dinner - turkey, ham, roast vegetables followed by a flaming christmas pudding and trifle. Again we seemed to be eating all day. Boxing Day is also St Stephen's Day and the local Lutheran Church had a special service with chamber music by Bach and Flesch. Their music was written to be played in church and it was most appropriate. We enjoyed the instrumental and vocal items.
Even though we are not getting many hours of daylight, the dogs, Pepper and Zacho, still demand their daily walks. we walked along the Morrum River which is famous for salmon fishing (not in season at the moment). The ducks and canada geese don't seem to mind the dull weather.
When we woke up on our last morning in Sweden we were delighted to see that it had been snowing overnight - a rare occurrence in December in this area. Thank you Inga and Phill for giving us such a memorable Christmas. So began our day of travel into Finland.
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